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[12]Oberhammer FA, Parelka M, Sharma S, et al. Induction of apoptosis in cultureed hepatocytes and in regressing liver by transforming growth factor betal [J]. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA, 1992,89:5408-5412. [13]Massage J, Weis-Garcia F. Serine/Threonine Kinase receptors: mediators of transforming growth factor 6 family signals[J]. Cancer Surv, 1996
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Machinaries For Msand. M sand manufacturing maries m sand plant project report youtube feb 14 2020 apr 27 2020 project report manufacturing sand in india crusher in pakistan supplier of m sand manufacturing machine in tamilnadu manufactured sand msand in construction manufactured sand is a substitute of river for construction purposes sand produced from hard granite stone by
parelka m sand machine; stone crusher plant in kabrai list; grinding mill for ore miberals; feldspar powder grinding unit in malaysia; Jaw Crusher . As a classic primary crusher with stable performances, Jaw Crusher is widely used to crush metallic and no
Fine aggregates consist of River sand, M-sand or the Slag sand used for construction. Coarse aggregates are the fillers in concrete mixes. It is offered in 6 mm, 12 mm, 20 mm and 40 mm sizes in India. Coarse aggregates are also recognized as blue metal, jelly, and crushed stone. The purpose of the coarse aggregate is to act as the main load